Blue Great Dane: Breed Info, Pictures & Everything (2024)

The Blue Great Dane is one of the most majestic and royal species of dog that you will ever come across. The beauty of this variant is the shiny blue coat that it comes with, making it unique from the other variants of the same lineage.

In this guide, we are going to talk about all things related to the Great Dane and it can be an eye-opener if you are thinking of investing in the same.

The blue Great Dane can be difficult to maintain if you do not have enough information and exposure about the same.

The nutrition, exercise, development as well as grooming- everything is quite different for a Blue Great Dane. If you are a prospective owner or just intrigued by this breed, we will try to help you with the best!

The blue Merle Great Dane is an exquisite breed and hence taking care of the same can be a job. The wealth of information will be a great exposure to the world of blue great danes and their exquisite beauty!

Specifications and Facts


This breed has quite a fascinating lineage and if you trace back to its ancestors, they were quite favored because of the strength they held. In ancient times, more favor was given to those dogs which had quite some physical power.

The inception of the blue great dane can be traced to Germany and it was usually made to use so that one can hunt boars easily.  The breed was much more aggressive than you think and can be easily termed as a species of “hunter dogs”.

However, around this time there were breeders who started taking this breed more seriously and wanted to sell it as an exquisite breed.

At this juncture, they started to focus on the temperament of the breed and made it more domesticated.

This led to the refinement of their appearance as well and made them an exotic species.

Today there are a few other options as well like the blue brindle great Dane, blue harlequin great dane and more, however, all of them belong to the same great Dane family which evolved from Germany.

Sizes and Appearance
Blue Great Dane


The most striking feature of this dog breed is its massive size with an average height of 30 to 32 inches which is quite impressive for any breed of dog.

For a well-fed one, the average size has to range between 120 to 200 pounds which roughly calculates between 52 kgs to 90 kgs.

You might think that the size makes them look aggressive and violent, however, the blue great dane family is quite a beautiful breed indeed.

As we have already mentioned, the most stunning feature of this breed is the beautiful blue coat.

However, the most unique thing, in this case, is that the blue is not uniform.

There are different options of blue for the coat as well like the royal blue great dane or even the blue brindle great dane and the harlequin blue great dane. The blue Merle great dane is also quite a popular option along with the blue fawn great dane.

It is important to understand in this case that the blue great dane is just a twist on the great dane breed and is not separate from the great dane lineage at all.

The traditional color of the great Dane is black, however, this one is just a variation of the color and not the habit or genre of the great dane.

Temperament and Personality

When we see a great Dane, the first thing that crosses our mind is that it has to be exceptionally aggressive and will tear us into pieces, right?

However on the contrary this is one of the most peace-loving breeds and is known to have an extremely calm and composed attitude.

They are specifically known for their affectionate attitude which makes this breed quite a homely dog.

Blue Great Dane


As beautiful as they looks, the behavior of the species is also quite promising.

They make an excellent option for family pets and one just has to focus on the temperament since it’s early childhood days.

If you give them the right training and let them socialize enough, the great dane will grow up to be the perfect family dog that you have been dreaming about.

LifeSpan and Health

 The average lifespan for a blue great Dane is somewhere between 7 to 10 years and hence it can be a little less than the other dog species.

However, large dogs are prone to certain health ailments which makes them fall sick faster. Some of these health issues are related to their size and how it becomes unmanageable with disorders like hip dysplasia, dilated cardiomyopathy, and even certain genetic conditions.

How does one get past that?

In such cases, it is extremely important to make sure that you provide the right kind of nutrition and regular veterinary checkups.

Blue Great Dane


In order to keep your Dane healthy, it is also crucial that you take it out for regular walks. A full grown blue great dane needs an optimum amount of exercise to stay fit and healthy.

It helps them avoid any kind of diseases that are specifically related to bones.

Blue Great Dane Puppies

Taking care of blue great dane puppies can be tricky and hence you need someone who will be able to guide you better.

Not every breeder will be helping you to get the best puppy and hence this also has to go through careful scrutiny.

It is extremely important that you find a breeder who will prioritize the health and hygiene of the dogs more than anything. 

Try to look out for those breeders who are certified and are known to conduct regular health checkups on their dogs before and after mating. The puppies which are given birth in a clean and hygienic condition are always healthier and stronger.

blue great dane puppies


Socialization for Your Puppies

In order to make sure that your puppy does not turn out to be aggressive or with a bad temperament, it is important to introduce the concept of socialization early.

You have to expose them to a lot of different situations involving humans as well as other animals to make them confident.

This will ensure that when they grow up into full-grown great Danes, they have nothing to worry about and do not turn hostile.

It will also make them much more well mannered and you will be able to easily turn them into the most well-behaved family members.

Care For Your Blue Great Dane Puppies

When it comes to taking care of a blue great dane puppy, the first and most important thing is to give them a lot of attention and care. It involves giving them the right diet and taking them to regular veterinary screening.

You also have to make sure that you let them exercise regularly because their puppies can develop very rapidly in a small period of time.

blue great dane puppies


Try to inculcate the sense of basic training from the initial days so that they do not turn into unruly tyrants. You can introduce basic obedience training in this case.

Blue Great Dane Health 

The saddest part for large breed dogs is that it is susceptible to a lot of health concerns. This is usually for the body weight and the height that they reach.  Some of the most common ones in this case are:

  • Hip dysplasia affects the hips and ends up causing a lot of discomfort for the dog and mobility issues.
  • Bloat which could turn into a life-threatening condition with the stomach getting twisted.
  • Cancer, as well as heart diseases, are extremely common for this breed as well.
  • Some variants are also susceptible to genetic disorders.

Although it is not possible to say what will completely stop the possibility of having any of the diseases, it is ideally suggested that you keep your great dane baby always under the right veterinary supervision.

If you notice any of the symptoms then the right thing to do is visit the doctor at the earliest to avoid any kind of delay.

Vaccination for Your Blue Great Dane

In order to keep the health of your breed in the right condition, it is extremely important to make sure that you follow the right vaccination schedule.

Vaccination starts from the first week of your dog’s life and it will continue each and every year depending on what the veterinarian suggests.

Blue Great Dane


The best thing to do in this case is to build a good relationship with the doctor so that they are able to guide you better in case of any requirements.

Dental checkup as well as keeping your dog clean is extremely important to avoid any kind of parasitic reactions.

Try to search for someone who has got experience in handling big dog breeds like this.


A blue eyes great dane when completely grown is quite heavy and if it is not maintained in the right way, it will give rise to more serious health problems.

This is one of the major reasons exercise is the most important factor in maintaining your breed.

Physical Exercise Requirements

In order to maintain the weight of a full-grown great dane and stop it from getting obese, it is extremely important to have an exercise routine and follow it every day.

They can benefit from things like long walks, Interactive play sessions, jogging, and similar others.

You can also choose to hire trainers who will make sure that you stretch the legs of your dog and increase blood circulation.

It is extremely important that you manage the intensity and duration of the exercise in such a way so that it does not exhaust your dog.

Customization of the exercise routine is usually done keeping the age, health condition, and energy level of your dog.

Blue Great Dane


Mental Stimulation

Not only physical exercise, if you want to keep your dog healthy then it is extremely important to mentally stimulate them as well.

Try to engage them in some kind of game so that they do not feel lonely.

It will help them to not get bored and at the same time stimulate their mental well-being.

There are a lot of expert trainers who most of the time suggest introducing your great dane with the concept of puzzle plays. It challenges them and keeps them engaged for a long period of time.

blue harlequin great dane


Exercise During Old Age

As we have already mentioned, it is extremely important to adjust the exercise schedule of your dog depending on which phase of life they are in. Older dogs require exercise but at a much lesser intensity.

The exercise in this phase of life has to focus on the muscle and bones so that they do not get more rigid.

It will promote their overall health and allow them to stay fit for a longer period of time.

However, in old age, it is extremely important to engage your dog in regular exercise. Try to get in touch with a professional trainer who will be able to guide you better on this segment

Nutritional Requirements for A Blue Great Dane

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The nutritional requirements for blue great dane puppies and full grown dane are not the same. Hence, you have to pay special attention to the fact that it does impact their health negatively.

A well-balanced diet is extremely important and the requirements change based on the health and the phase of life they are in.

These should be the perfect balance of protein as well as calcium which allows the dog to grow strong. A balanced ratio of fats and carbohydrates is also extremely important to maintain a healthy body weight.

Feeding Guidelines for the Blue Great Dane

The feeding guidelines for the blue great Dane have to be set keeping the age, height, and weight of the dog in mind.

It is best to get in touch with your vet who will be better able to guide you. Portion control is extremely important in this case to make sure that your dog does not put on unnecessary weight.

This weight will soon start to put pressure on other organs like their joints and internal organs.

The ideal choice, in this case, is to divide the daily food intake into portions so that it is easier to maintain that way and can get easily digested as well.

Choosing the Right Dog Food

What do you feed your blue Great Dane?

There are some people who focus on feeding the dogs homemade food like chicken or any other kind of meat that the vet has suggested. However, there are others who prefer feeding the dog with dog food that has all the requirements met.

If you want to feed your dog with readymade dog food it is extremely important to both through the formula to understand whether it is right for large breed dogs.

You need to fix an appointment with your veterinarian who will be better able to guide you in this and choose the right dog based on the requirements.

Special Nutritional Needs

In some cases, there are a few blue great dane puppies who need special nutritional values because they might be weak. They always need a diet that will help them grow at the right pace and at the same time avoid getting overweight.

As the great Dane enters into old age, the metabolism rate slows down and it automatically impacts their food eating habits.

blue harlequin great dane


During this phase, it is extremely important to incorporate variation as they get bored very easily. Nutritional support is extremely important and this will come from your vet.

You will notice that in most cases the doctors will suggest you go ahead with home-cooked food because this is the most healthy and nourishing thing for your great dane baby.

It is always prescribed to avoid things like raw vegetables, fruits, oil, spices, or even salt. Try to pay attention to how much water they are drinking and increase the intake during summer.

Behavioral Significance

If you observe the behavior of a great dane blue, you will be able to analyze that it has different patterns based on the phase of life it is going through.

It is important to mention here that the color of the coat does not significantly impact the behavior of the species and it is similar to the other forms of great dane.

Behavioral Pattern During Puppyhood (0-6 months)

This is the most enjoyable phase of their life and it is like taking care of babies.

Are they playful during this time? Certainly yes! They are the most energetic and you will often come to major disasters in your house which are a result of their curiosity.

They have a lot of energy and hence you will have to play with them for a significant portion of your day! To encourage playfulness, it is important that you expose them to socialization and make them feel like they need to get along with other beings.

This will help them to develop into well-rounded adults who are adjusting and playful.

Behavioral Pattern During Adolescence ( 6 months to 2 years)

This phase of their life is like a continuation and they seem to be energetic and playful.

However, this is a very crucial time as they can start to develop behavioral problems if they do not pay attention to training and obedience.

Hence, we would suggest that we introduce them to the best training during this phase of their life so that they learn from the beginning.


Behavioral Pattern During Adulthood ( 2 years and older)

A lot of how they are going to be shaped as adults depend on their upbringing from childhood.

However, it is noted that during these few years of their life, they turn much more quiet and calmer than before.

They become much more mature and are known to form quiet living relationships with the other members of the family. As they grow older, there is a significant chance that they will turn more lazy.

Hence it is the duty of the owner at this point to ensure that they are on their fitness regimen and following it with precision.

The behavior of the dog can change and it usually depends on how you bring them up. Socialization, the right kind of training, and moderation of exercise are extremely important for the right behavior of a great Dane.

The color of the coat is usually not a deciding factor when it comes to the behavioral pattern of a Great Dane.

Training A Blue Coat Great Dane

Training a dane is a matter of patience and expertise because irrespective of the color, the species can be a bit hard to train. How can you do it? There are simple ways to achieve this excellence.

Train With The Help of Professional Trainers

The first and most important thing that you need to do is decide if you want your great dane to be trained with precision. If the answer to the question is yes then you might need to hire a professional who is best equipped with training.

Blue Great Dane

They will start from the basics and make sure that your great dane is trained throughout the formative years as well.

There are professional dog behaviorists as well who make sure that the behavior of your dog can be trained in the most acceptable fashion. This training usually depends on your needs and the current behavioral pattern of your dog.

Train With Basic ideals Like Positive Reinforcement

Using the technique of positive reinforcement is one of the most effective ways to achieve the desired results in your dog. How does it work?

Every time your dog showcases a desired behavior on command, you need to reinforce that behavior.

This will create a cause-and-effect relationship and ensure that the dog showcases the desired behavior more often.

Consistency and Patience are the Key

Training your blue great dane can be difficult however you need to be consistent and patient in your approach. How can you achieve the desired results?

  • Train your great dane in short sessions throughout the day because their attention span is quite less.
  • Use the same verbal cues because dogs tend to learn better.
  • Incorporate crate training if your dog starts to show unacceptable or destructive behavior.
  • You can give leash training by yourself. If they pull the leash a lot while walking, stop at that moment. Don’t resume walking unless they calm down.

Training your blue great dane is a matter of time and patience. Hence you need to be consistent and seek help if things start to go out of your forte. Try to practice the same pattern every day to help your dog grasp the lesson better.

Grooming Your Blue Great Dane

blue harlequin great dane


As we have already mentioned, the blue great dane looks royal and this stands true across all the variants – be it the blue harlequin great dane or the blue mantle great dane.

However, to maintain this show of your puppy, it is extremely important that you groom it in an accurate way.

Although they have short coats, maintaining them is an important part of their health and hygiene routine.

Brushing Your Blue Great Dane

Brushing your dog at least twice a day is extremely important to get rid of all the tangles.

  • The brush should have soft bristles as it can help you to get rid of the accumulated dirt as well.
  • Make sure that you brush in the direction of the hair growth to make the hair look much more well-maintained and avoid tangles.
  • When you brush, check if there are any skin issues like itchiness or bumps.

Bathing your dog can be a task once it starts to grow to its full size.  However, the good news is that this is one of the only breeds of dogs that do not require regular bathing unless there is a lot of accumulated dirt.

  • Use a dog shampoo when bathing which is fit for them. Try out in a small patch first and then apply to the entire coat.
  • Use a warm towel or hair dryer to dry off the coat easily and ensure that the wet coat does not make them catch a cold.
Nail Trimming

Like most other big breeds of dogs, it is extremely important that you trim their nails regularly because they can get really big in a small period of time. If you cannot manage it alone it is best to call professional help who will help you to trim the nails very easily.

Ear Cleaning

Such is the breed that they are extremely prone to getting infections and friends it is important to clear the ears regularly.

  • Use a dog-specific ear swab which will allow you to clear the ears with ease.
  • Gently lift the flap of the ear and insert the swab and clear swiftly so that you do not end up hurting them.
  • If you notice that the residue is extremely wet or there is bleeding or a pungent smell, it is best to consult the vet at the earliest.

It is extremely important to remember that each and every dog is different and hence the grooming depends on the condition of the dog.

Try to pay attention to the needs of your dog and then groom it in the most acceptable manner. The blue great dane cost more than other variants and this is solely because of the beautiful coat colour which makes it different.

Frequently Asked Questions

How rare are blue great Danes?

Blue Great Danes are quite rare when put in comparison with their other colored counterparts. The coat color is premium and it shines making them such an exquisite species.

This coloration is caused by a recessive gene in the great dane species and hence it does not occur that normally. Breeding two dogs of the same nature slightly increased the chance of producing this variant of great dane although it is not hundred percent guaranteed.

Do blue Great Danes have more health problems?

Any large species of dog will have more health problems because of its size. However, great dane as a species is often more susceptible to muscle and joint problems.

How long do blue Great Danes live?

On average a blue great dane can live for up to 7 to 10 years very easily. However, this completely depends on your health, genes, and how well you maintain your great Dane. However,

How much do blue great danes cost?

The blue great dane costs much more than the other species of great dane and the major purpose behind it is the exquisite coat color. The price also depends on several factors like the lineage, pedigree, quality and reputation of the breeder.

How big do blue Great Danes get?

Blue great danes do get really big and when they are full grown, the weight can vary between 120 to 200 pounds which roughly translates to about 53 kgs to 90 kgs. There are some great Danes who do go ahead of this size as well, however, they can be likely termed as obese.

Do blue Great Dane’s eyes stay blue?

The cost of color often does not have to do anything with the color of the eyes. However, even if you are able to get a blue eyes great Dane, it is possible that the color might change as they grow older.

It is usually influenced by both genetics as well as pigmentation.

Why is my blue great dane turning brown?

One of the major reasons why there is a change in the color of the coat of your dog is because of a phenomenon known as “bleaching”.

Bluecoat Great Danes are more susceptible to this color fading than the other variations of Great Dane.

Usually, factors like a deficiency in nutritional deficiencies and exposure to too much UV rays ultimately break down the pigmentation of the hair.

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