Blue Tri Bully ( American Bully ) 2024: Breed Info & Facts

Today, let’s dive into the awesome world of the Blue Tri Bully. This breed has been getting a lot of attention lately because of its unique looks and fantastic personality. If you don’t know much about the Blue Tri Bully, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about these amazing dogs. We’ll talk about their cool coat colors, their friendly and loyal nature, and why they’re becoming so popular.

Blue Tri Bully & American Bully breed. Are they the same?

Before we dive into the specifics of the Blue Tri Bully, let’s address a common question:

Are they the same as the American Bully breed?

The short answer is yes! The Blue Tri Bully is a specific variation within the larger American Bully breed family. It’s like having a special flavor in an already delightful ice cream shop.

Introduction to the Blue Tri Bully as a specific variation

Now that we’ve clarified their connection to the American Bully breed, let’s delve into the mesmerizing world of the Blue Tri Bully. Just picture it: a dog with a coat that boasts a stunning combination of blue, black, and white. Their unique coat pattern is truly a sight to behold and makes them stand out from the crowd.

But the Blue Tri Bully is more than just a pretty face. They possess an irresistible charm and personality that captures the hearts of anyone who meets them. From their loyalty and affection to their friendly and gentle nature, Blue Tri Bullies make incredible companions for individuals and families alike.

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History and development of the American Bully breed

The American Bully breed originated in the 1980s and 1990s in the United States. Breeders aimed to create a companion dog with a friendly and confident nature. They selectively bred American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Bulldogs, and other similar breeds to achieve their desired traits.

Over time, breeders noticed a unique variation within the American Bully breed that showcased a predominantly blue coat color, along with black and white markings. This striking combination of colors became known as the Blue Tri Bully. The blue hue can range from a subtle gray to a deep steel blue shade, giving them an unmistakable and alluring appearance.

The Blue Tri Bully, like other variations within the American Bully breed, possesses a muscular and sturdy build. They have a broad chest, well-defined muscles, and a powerful presence that commands attention.

Size, Weight, and Height.

  • Size: Blue Tri Bullies come in different sizes, such as standard, pocket, classic, and XL. These size variations offer options for different preferences.
  • Weight: Depending on their size category, Blue Tri Bullies can weigh anywhere from around 30 pounds (13.6 kg) for smaller ones to over 100 pounds (45 kg) for larger ones. Remember, individual dogs may vary in weight even within the same size category.
  • Height: On average, Blue Tri Bullies stand between 13 inches (33 cm) and 20 inches (51 cm) tall at the shoulder. Of course, there can be some variation in height among individuals.

Temperament and Personality Traits:

Now, let’s talk about the temperament and personality traits that make the Blue Tri Bully such a fantastic companion.

  • Friendly and sociable: Blue Tri Bullies are naturally friendly and sociable. They love being around people and get along well with children and other pets when they are properly introduced and socialized. They have a warm and approachable nature that makes them great family dogs.

  • Loyal and devoted: These dogs are incredibly loyal and devoted to their human family members. They form strong bonds and will do whatever it takes to protect and care for their loved ones.

  • Gentle and affectionate: Despite their strong appearance, Blue Tri Bullies are gentle and affectionate. They enjoy being close to their owners, showering them with love and affection. They thrive on the companionship and attention of their human family.

  • Easygoing and even-tempered: Blue Tri Bullies typically have an easygoing and even-tempered nature. They are not usually aggressive and have a stable temperament, making them adaptable to different environments and social situations.

  • Playful and energetic: These dogs have a playful and energetic side. They enjoy interactive playtime and benefit from regular exercise to keep them physically and mentally stimulated. It’s important to provide them with activities that keep them engaged and happy.

Blue Tri Bully is not only a strikingly beautiful dog but also possesses a friendly and affectionate temperament. They are loyal, gentle, and sociable, making them wonderful companions for families. With their muscular build and loving nature, Blue Tri Bullies bring joy and warmth to the lives of those fortunate enough to share their home.

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Coat Color and Pattern

Let’s explore the fascinating world of the Blue Tri Bully’s coat color and pattern. We’ll dig into the “blue” color, the significance of the “tri” pattern, and other coat variations that add to their unique beauty.

Explanation of the “blue” coloration in the Blue Tri Bully:

The “blue” shade: When we talk about the Blue Tri Bully’s “blue” color, we’re referring to a range of grayish to deep steel blue tones in their coat. This color comes from genetic factors that dilute the black pigments, giving them their distinct look.

Different shades

Blue Tri Bullies can have varying intensities of blue in their coat. Some might have a softer, lighter grayish-blue color, while others may have a richer, darker steel-blue shade. These different shades make each Blue Tri Bully unique and beautiful.

What is the “tri” pattern?

The “tri” pattern means that the Blue Tri Bully has three distinct colors in their coat. Typically, these colors are blue, black, and white, creating a gorgeous combination.

How the colors are distributed?

In the tri-color pattern, the blue color is usually the main or base color, with patches or markings of black and white mixed in. The specific arrangement and proportions of these colors can vary from one Blue Tri Bully to another, giving them their individual and special patterns.

Additional coat colors

Although the Blue Tri Bully is primarily known for its blue, black, and white tri-color pattern, it’s worth mentioning that there can be other coat variations as well. Some Blue Tri Bullies might also have brindle, fawn, or other colors mixed in with the blue and tri-color pattern. These additional variations add to the diversity and attractiveness of the Blue Tri Bully breed.

Blue Tri Bully’s coat color and pattern play a significant role in their visual appeal. The “blue” color, ranging from grayish to deep steel blue, gives them a unique look. The “tri” pattern, with its combination of blue, black, and white, enhances their charm. And the presence of other coat variations within the Blue Tri Bully breed adds to their individuality and makes them even more captivating.

blue tri bully

Care and Maintenance

Taking good care of your beloved Blue Tri Bully is crucial to ensuring their overall health and happiness.

General care guidelines for the Blue Tri Bully:

Taking good care of your adorable Blue Tri Bully involves a few important things. First, make sure to feed them a healthy and balanced diet. Get high-quality dog food that suits their needs, and ask your vet about how much and how often to feed them.

Don’t forget to take your Blue Tri Bully to the vet for regular check-ups. Just like we need doctors, dogs need them too! These visits include vaccinations, preventive treatments, and overall health check-ups. They help catch any potential problems early on, so your furry friend stays in great shape.

Training and socializing your Blue Tri Bully is also key. Start training them when they’re young to teach them good behavior and obedience. Use treats and praise to reward them for doing well. And don’t forget to introduce them to different people, animals, and places so they become friendly and well-rounded companions.

To keep their clever minds busy, give them toys, play puzzle games together, and have regular training sessions. It’s a great way to keep them entertained and mentally sharp.

And of course, make sure they have a cozy and safe environment. Give them a comfy bed, fresh water all the time, and toys they can enjoy. Keep your home and yard secure, so they don’t get into any trouble.

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It’s important to give them regular exercise and mental stimulation. Aim for around 30 minutes to an hour of exercise every day.

You can take them on nice walks, have fun play sessions, or let them run around in a safe yard. It’s not just about physical activity though – you also want to engage their clever minds.

Blue Tri Bullies also love making friends, so set up playdates with other dogs or visit dog parks. These activities will keep your furry friend in good shape, mentally sharp, and socially happy!

By following these simple guidelines, you’ll provide your Blue Tri Bully with the best care possible. They’ll be happy, healthy, and love being by your side!

Grooming needs and coat maintenance tips

Maintaining your Blue Tri Bully’s coat and keeping them looking their best is an important part of their care routine. Here are some grooming tips to follow:

  • Keep their coat in check: Blue Tri Bullies usually have short coats that don’t require a lot of grooming. But they do shed, so regular brushing with a soft brush or grooming glove will help keep their coat looking nice and reduce shedding. It’s also a nice way to bond with your furry friend!
  • Take care of their sensitive skin: Blue Tri Bullies may have sensitive skin, so choose grooming products that are gentle and made for sensitive skin. Stay away from harsh shampoos with strong scents. You might also consider using a moisturizing conditioner to keep skin hydrated.
  • Pay attention to their adorable wrinkles: Some Blue Tri Bullies have cute facial wrinkles that need extra care. To prevent any moisture buildup and potential infections, gently clean their wrinkles with a soft cloth or dog wipes. Make sure to dry them well to avoid any yucky stuff from growing.
  • Show their paws some love: Blue Tri Bullies can have dry or cracked paws. Help keep them soft and protected by applying a dog-friendly paw balm or moisturizer. This is especially important during harsh weather conditions to keep their paws happy.
  • Keep their eyes sparkling: Blue Tri Bullies often have beautiful blue eyes that can be prone to tear stains. To prevent staining, gently clean their eye area with a damp cloth to remove any gunk. If tear stains persist, check with your vet for advice.
  • Regular grooming sessions are key: Your Blue Tri Bully will benefit from regular grooming sessions to keep them looking and feeling their best. This includes brushing their teeth, cleaning their ears, and trimming their nails. These simple routines help prevent any potential issues and keep your pup looking fabulous.
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Training and Socialization

Training your Blue Tri Bully is super important for a bunch of reasons!

First off, it helps them learn good behavior and sets clear rules so they don’t jump or chew on things they shouldn’t. It also keeps their clever minds active and prevents them from getting bored and causing mischief.

Plus, training time is a chance for you to bond and spend quality time together. They love making you happy and earning tasty treats! And let’s not forget about safety – training gives you control over your Blue Tri Bully in different situations, making walks and adventures safer and more enjoyable.

So, grab those treats and get ready for some fun training sessions with your awesome Blue Tri Bully!

Recommended training methods and techniques:

When it comes to training your Blue Tri Bully, a few specific methods and techniques work well for this breed. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Positive reinforcement is key. Use treats, praise, and rewards to encourage desired behaviors like sitting or staying. This approach motivates them and strengthens your bond.
  • Socialization is crucial. Expose them to different environments, people, and animals from a young age. Arrange playdates, introduce them to new faces, and go on outings to help them feel comfortable and well-adjusted.
  • Consistency is key. Use clear and consistent commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” Repeat them consistently during training sessions and in everyday situations.
  • Keep their minds engaged with mental stimulation activities. Teach them tricks, use interactive puzzle toys, and vary their training exercises.
  • Consider clicker training. Use a clicker device to mark desired behaviors, followed by rewards. This helps reinforce positive behaviors effectively.

Remember, every Blue Tri Bully is unique, so adapt the training methods to their needs. Stay patient, consistent, and positive, and you’ll see your Blue Tri Bully thrive as a well-behaved and happy companion.

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Socialization tips for a well-rounded and balanced dog:

Socialization is super important for your Blue Tri Bully to grow into a well-rounded and balanced dog. Start early by introducing them to different people, animals, and places, and make it a positive and fun experience.

Give them treats, praise, and gentle encouragement to help them feel comfortable. Take it slow and gradually expose them to more excitement and distractions to build their confidence.

Organize playdates with friendly dogs and go on walks to meet new people. Remember to be patient and reassuring, letting them take their time to feel at ease.

Remember, training and socialization are ongoing processes. Keep reinforcing good behavior and exposing your Blue Tri Bully to new experiences throughout their lives. With your love, patience, and positive approach, your Blue Tri Bully will grow into a well-behaved and socially adept furry friend. Enjoy the journey together!

Health Considerations

While Blue Tri Bullies are generally robust dogs, there are a few health concerns that may affect them more frequently. Some of these issues include:

  • Skin allergies: They can be prone to skin allergies, which cause itching and discomfort. Regular grooming and a balanced diet can help minimize the risk.
  • Joint and bone conditions: Some Blue Tri Bullies may be more susceptible to joint and bone issues like hip dysplasia. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding excessive strain on their joints are important.
  • Eye problems: Blue Tri Bullies may be prone to eye conditions like cherry eye or cataracts. Regular eye exams by a vet can catch any issues early.
  • Breathing difficulties: Their unique facial structure can lead to breathing difficulties, especially in hot weather or during exercise. Keep them in a cool environment and avoid activities that strain their breathing.
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Responsible Ownership

Being a responsible owner is crucial when it comes to providing the best care and environment for your beloved Blue Tri Bully. Let’s dive into what it means to be a responsible owner, including suitable living conditions and important considerations for potential owners and breed enthusiasts.

Suitable living conditions and environment for the Blue Tri Bully:

Creating a comfortable living environment is essential for your Blue Tri Bully’s well-being. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Space: Ensure your living space, whether it’s an apartment or a house, allows enough room for your Blue Tri Bully to move and play. If you have a yard, make sure it is securely fenced so they can enjoy outdoor activities safely.
  • Indoor comfort: Blue Tri Bullies are sensitive to extreme temperatures, especially heat. Create a cool and well-ventilated indoor area for them during hot weather. Set up a cozy spot with comfortable bedding where they can relax and feel secure.
  • Outdoor safety: If you have an outdoor area, take precautions to ensure its safety. Blue Tri Bullies can be curious and may try to escape or get into trouble. Check your fencing for gaps and remove any potential hazards from the yard, such as toxic plants or sharp objects.

Before bringing a Blue Tri Bully into your life, consider these factors:

  • Time and commitment: Blue Tri Bullies thrive on human companionship and require time and attention. Make sure you can dedicate enough time to their care, including daily exercise, training, and socialization.
  • Training and socialization: Blue Tri Bullies benefit significantly from proper training and socialization. Invest time and effort in their training journey to help them become well-behaved and socially confident companions. Consider attending obedience classes or working with a professional trainer.
  • Health care costs: Owning a Blue Tri Bully comes with health care responsibilities. Budget for routine veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, preventive treatments, and potential health issues to ensure their well-being.
  • Breed-specific considerations: Research and understand the breed-specific traits, temperament, and exercise needs of Blue Tri Bullies. They are known for loyalty, affection, and energy. Make sure these characteristics align with your lifestyle and expectations.
  • Responsible breeding and adoption: Choose a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their dogs. Alternatively, consider adoption from a reputable rescue organization or shelter, providing a loving home to a Blue Tri Bully in need.

By being a responsible owner and providing a loving and nurturing environment, you’ll ensure your Blue Tri Bully thrives and experiences a fulfilling life. The bond you’ll develop with your furry companion will bring immeasurable joy, loyalty, and unconditional love into your home.

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When it comes to shedding, let’s talk about what you can expect with a Blue Tri Bully. They have a moderate shedding level, which means they do shed some hair throughout the year, but it’s not as much as those heavy-shedding breeds. So, while there will be some shedding, it won’t be too overwhelming.

To keep shedding under control, regular grooming is key. You’ll want to brush their coat to remove loose hair and prevent it from spreading all over your house. It’s good for their skin too and keeps their coat looking shiny and fabulous. You can use a slicker brush or a rubber grooming mitt made for their coat type to get the best results.

During seasonal changes, like when it gets warmer or cooler, your Blue Tri Bully might shed a bit more as they adjust their coat. That’s when it’s a good idea to give them some extra grooming love to get rid of loose hair and keep it from getting all tangled up.

It’s worth mentioning that while shedding is a natural part of having a dog, Blue Tri Bullies might be a better fit for people with allergies because their shedding level is moderate. But if allergies are a concern for you or your family, spend some time with Blue Tri Bullies to see how you react before deciding to bring one home.

By understanding their shedding level and giving them regular grooming attention, you can manage their shedding and keep your home clean and cozy for everyone.

blue tri bully

Cost Puppy cost and feeding cost

When it comes to owning a Blue Tri Bully, there are some costs to consider, like feeding expenses and the initial cost of getting a puppy. Let’s break it down in simpler terms.

  • Feeding Cost: To keep your Blue Tri Bully well-fed, you’ll need to consider the cost of dog food. On average, you can expect to spend around $40 to $80 per month on good-quality food. Of course, the exact amount depends on the brand and size of the food bag.
  • Don’t forget about treats, dental chews, and supplements. Treats can range from $5 to $20 per month, dental chews from $10 to $30, and supplements depending on what your vet recommends.
  • Puppy Cost: When bringing a Blue Tri Bully puppy into your family, you’ll need to think about the initial cost. On average, a Blue Tri Bully puppy from a reputable breeder can cost between $2,000 to $5,000 or more. This can vary based on the breeder’s reputation, the puppy’s lineage, and their special qualities.
  • Additional Costs: Besides food and the puppy, there are other expenses to consider. Yearly vet visits, including vaccinations and preventives, may range from $200 to $500. If you need to spay or neuter your Blue Tri Bully, it can cost around $200 to $500.

You’ll also need to budget for grooming supplies, toys, bedding, and other stuff, which can be around $50 to $200 per year. If you decide to enroll your Blue Tri Bully in training, a basic obedience course might cost between $100 to $300.

Remember that these are estimated costs and can vary depending on where you live and your personal choices. It’s a good idea to check with local vets and do some research to get a clearer picture of the costs in your area

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is the Blue Tri Bully a suitable family pet?
  • Blue Tri Bullies can make wonderful family pets. They are known for their affectionate and friendly nature, often getting along well with children and other pets when properly socialized.
  1. How much does a Blue Tri Bully puppy cost?
  • The cost of a Blue Tri Bully puppy from a reputable breeder can range from approximately $2,000 to $5,000 or more. However, prices may vary depending on factors such as the breeder’s reputation, the lineage of the puppy, and specific characteristics.
  1. How much space do Blue Tri Bullies need?
  • Blue Tri Bullies can adapt well to different living environments. While they enjoy having space to move around, they can thrive in apartments or smaller homes as long as they receive regular exercise and mental stimulation.
  1. Are Blue Tri Bullies good with children and other pets?
  • Yes, Blue Tri Bullies are generally good with children and other pets when properly socialized from a young age. It’s important to supervise interactions and teach children how to interact respectfully with dogs.
  1. Can Blue Tri Bullies be left alone at home?
  • Blue Tri Bullies, like any dog, may experience separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods. It’s recommended to gradually train them to be comfortable with alone time and provide them with mental and physical stimulation before leaving.
  1. Are Blue Tri Bullies hypoallergenic?
  • Blue Tri Bullies are not considered hypoallergenic. While they have a moderate shedding level, which can help reduce allergens to some extent, individual allergies may vary. It’s advisable to spend time with the breed to assess personal reactions before bringing one home.
  1. Can Blue Tri Bullies live in apartments?
  • Yes, Blue Tri Bullies can adapt to apartment living, but they do require regular exercise and mental stimulation. It’s important to provide them with daily walks, playtime, and access to outdoor areas for exercise and bathroom breaks.
  1. Are Blue Tri Bullies suitable for first-time dog owners?
  • Blue Tri Bullies can be suitable for first-time dog owners with proper research, dedication, and commitment to training and socialization. It’s important to educate oneself about their specific needs and provide them with a consistent and loving environment.
  1. What is the lifespan of a Blue Tri Bully?
  • On average, Blue Tri Bullies have a lifespan of around 10 to 12 years. However, with proper care, including a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and routine veterinary check-ups, they can live longer and healthier lives.


The Blue Tri Bully isn’t just eye-catching with its unique appearance; it’s also full of love and playfulness. Their beautiful coat color and strong muscles make them stand out, but what truly sets them apart is their loyalty and affectionate nature. Blue Tri Bullies can adapt to different living conditions and become cherished family members. If you’ve fallen in love with their charm, we encourage you to learn more about this amazing breed. Connect with breeders, owners, and enthusiasts, and experience the incredible bond between Blue Tri Bullies and their human companions. 

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